Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Development Workpieces.

The developmental process for my final artpiece.

  • This is actually a sketch on a rough idea of what am i going to do for this final fusion exercise.
  • However, like i said, this is only a rough sketch. So the final product would not look exactly like this.
  • Moreover, 4R size meant that the measurements were 4'' by 6''. This sketch that i drew resembles more like i would be working on an A3 size canvas.

  • I started off by just adding the outlined faces to photoshop.
  • I made edited the faces to be transparent so that they would blend in with the background colour.
  • Next, i added the background colour and tried at creating a gradient.

  • I started adding in the spiral for the background.
  • Then, i felt that the entire art piece is way too bluey.

  • I added white colour to the spiral so there would be alternate colours of blue and white.

  • I felt that it was kind of weird looking.
  • So, I added borders, hoping to make it look nicer and more appealing.

  • The previous idea did not work.
  • I decided to change the outlined faces by filling up the face with white colour and keeping the neck and shoulders area transparent.
  • I wanted to experiment with different possiblities so ......

  • I arrived at this design.
  • I removed the borders to experiment and see if it would look nicer.
  • Yet, I feel that the gradient of blues were not very obvious.
  • I managed to change the gradient and arrived at the final workpiece!

  • Final Workpiece.
  • I created a gradient for teh background and sticked with the idea of using shades of blue.
  • But then, i realised that including black as part of the gradient would make the workpiece look even better the previous.
  • I stopped experimenting and settled for this piece of work. hahahaha.

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